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1 roomrooms, 2 guestguests

Room 1


16 years or older


5-15 years

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aigu Bar & Lounge

Welcome to the aigu Bar & Lounge in the Park Hotel Zug.

Get comfortable in our modern winter garden and enjoy a refreshing cocktail in pleasant company. Celebrate an evening of music with us or arrange your own event. Whether you are planning a small birthday party or a lavish wedding reception, we provide the perfectly sized space as well as our passion and dedication for a flawless implementation. 

The aigu Bar & Lounge is located in the Park Hotel Zug, just a four-minute walk from the City Garden Hotel.
  • Cocktails, drinks, snacks & music

  • 8

    Employees with a passion

  • Non-smoking Bar & Lounge

  • 350

    Large capacity for standing events


Live sound that moves – flavors that stay.

Afterwork Groove & Cocktails

Discover our music events that take place on Thursday's!

aigu Jam

Friday evenings, laid-back beats and boundless creativity - find out more here!

Soul & Dine

Beat & Bites with Camen & Band: Music that tastes good!

place-to-rhapsody: Where melodies are served

Would you like to spend your evening with a pinch of elegance? Then book our exclusive Piano Vibes special package today and take a seat at our converted grand piano, which has become a trendy place to stand and sit.

Book now and let's celebrate the sounds and flavours of life together!

Eat & stay overnight: our special package

Enjoyment goes beyond the last nightcap. Extend your night and spend the night in one of our comfortable rooms at the Park Hotel. We offer our guests the Wine & Indulgence Package.


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  • Great place 
    to work

  • For singles, families
    and business guests

  • We give importance
    to sustainability